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Spark children's curiosity in your classroom.

Spark children's curiosity in your classroom.

Classroom of the Curious is the place where you discover how you let children learn by using the power of curiosity. We share practices from schools and academics to help you spark the curiosity of your students and increase their learning outcomes.

Hello, my name is Jason!

“You can teach a student a lesson for a day; but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives.”
Clay P. Bedford

Curiosity lets children learn, be open for new experiences and brings happiness in their lives. That is what we all want: a curious, happy and involved classroom that loves to learn new things.

Teachers have the key for a curious classroom right in their hands! Because... you can train curious thinking. You can train yourself and your students in curiosity. But how do you do that? 

I collected all kinds of techniques for you to start using the power of curiosity. I give interactive workshops, guest lectures and (online) presentations where I share my knowledge about the world of curiosity at every educational level

Always stay curious! ~ Jason Fredrick

You can use the power of curiosity everywhere.

kindergarten - elementary school - homeschooling- secondary education - special education - applied sciences - university
"As a team we received a lot of inspiration during the workshop "Curious Classroom". My colleagues started to directly apply several techniques the next day. In our school plan we now aim to focus more on learning by discovery. This all starts with asking curious questions. A very meaningful and educational workshop!" 
"The workshop "Curious Classroom" is pleasant to follow and is full of enthusiasm. Jason continuously shares useful tricks that can spark curiosity but do not cost a lot of time to prepare. Starting the day with a curious question is so valuable for our education. It is a great way to stimulate the children's brain. A very insightful workshop!" 

Are you curious about what
Classroom of the Curious can do for you?

Nieuwsgierigheid in de Klas - Workshop

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About Classroom of the Curious

Classroom of the Curious is part of Creating Curiosity and founded by Jason Fredrick van Eunen MSc. Jason's never ending curiosity and enthusiasm about how the world works and what makes people thick lets him never stop learning. Jason studied at several international universities on the topics creativity and innovation. With Creating Curiosity he empowers his mission to bring more curiosity in the world of education. Always be curious!

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